Price Brand New Cadence CVL64MBX 6.5" 4 Ohm Midbass Driver with 500 Watts Power Output, High Temperature TIL Bobbin Voice Coil, and Die-Cast Aluminum Frames
Looking for Brand New Cadence CVL64MBX 6.5" 4 Ohm Midbass Driver with 500 Watts Power Output, High Temperature TIL Bobbin Voice Coil, and Die-Cast Aluminum Frames lowest prices.
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Price Brand New Cadence CVL64MBX 6.5" 4 Ohm Midbass Driver with 500 Watts Power Output, High Temperature TIL Bobbin Voice Coil, and Die-Cast Aluminum Frames review
Brand New Cadence CVL64MBX 6.5" 4 Ohm Midbass Driver with 500 Watts Power Output, High Temperature TIL Bobbin Voice Coil, and Die-Cast Aluminum FramesFeatures: * Oversized CCAR Voice Coil * High Temperature Voice Coil TIL Bobbin * Die-Cast Aluminum Frames * Cast Aluminum Basket * Accordion Style Surround * Packed Individually with Grill * RMS Power: 250 Watts * PEAK Power: 500 Watts * Frequency: 90Hz - 9 kHz * Structure Weight: 70oz * Sound Pressure Level: 99dB @ 1w/1m * Impedance: 4 Ohm * Mounting Depth: 3.42" * Application: Mid - Base * Basket Type: Cast Aluminum * Dust Cap: CNC Cast Aluminum Bullet * Structure Weight: 70 oz. * 2" High Power Voice Coil * SPL @ 1w/1m: 99d * FMS: 147.9 Hz * QMS: 5.81 * QES: 0.88 * QTS: 0.76 * RES: 12.5 Ohm * RMS: 1.9 kg/s * CMS: 0.10 mm/N * MMS: 11.8 gr * NREF: 0.86 * BL: 6.1 * SPL: 99 dB * VAS: 2.4 l * RE: 3.0 Ohm * RP: 8.1 Ohm * LP: 3.0 mH * CP: 869.0 uF * LE: 0.3 mH and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!
ListpricePrice Brand New Cadence CVL64MBX 6.5" 4 Ohm Midbass Driver with 500 Watts Power Output, High Temperature TIL Bobbin Voice Coil, and Die-Cast Aluminum Frames Overviews
Brand New Cadence CVL64MBX 6.5" 4 Ohm Midbass Driver with 500 Watts Power Output, High Temperature TIL Bobbin Voice Coil, and Die-Cast Aluminum FramesFeatures: * Oversized CCAR Voice Coil * High Temperature Voice Coil TIL Bobbin * Die-Cast Aluminum Frames * Cast Aluminum Basket * Accordion Style Surround * Packed Individually with Grill * RMS Power: 250 Watts * PEAK Power: 500 Watts * Frequency: 90Hz - 9 kHz * Structure Weight: 70oz * Sound Pressure Level: 99dB @ 1w/1m * Impedance: 4 Ohm * Mounting Depth: 3.42" * Application: Mid - Base * Basket Type: Cast Aluminum * Dust Cap: CNC Cast Aluminum Bullet * Structure Weight: 70 oz. * 2" High Power Voice Coil * SPL @ 1w/1m: 99d * FMS: 147.9 Hz * QMS: 5.81 * QES: 0.88 * QTS: 0.76 * RES: 12.5 Ohm * RMS: 1.9 kg/s * CMS: 0.10 mm/N * MMS: 11.8 gr * NREF: 0.86 * BL: 6.1 * SPL: 99 dB * VAS: 2.4 l * RE: 3.0 Ohm * RP: 8.1 Ohm * LP: 3.0 mH * CP: 869.0 uF * LE: 0.3 mH
Price Brand New Cadence CVL64MBX 6.5" 4 Ohm Midbass Driver with 500 Watts Power Output, High Temperature TIL Bobbin Voice Coil, and Die-Cast Aluminum Frames Specifications
Price Brand New Cadence CVL64MBX 6.5" 4 Ohm Midbass Driver with 500 Watts Power Output, High Temperature TIL Bobbin Voice Coil, and Die-Cast Aluminum Frames Features
- Oversized CCAR Voice Coil
- High Temperature Voice Coil TIL Bobbin
- Die-Cast Aluminum Frames
- Cast Aluminum Basket
- Accordion Style Surround
Price Brand New Cadence CVL64MBX 6.5" 4 Ohm Midbass Driver with 500 Watts Power Output, High Temperature TIL Bobbin Voice Coil, and Die-Cast Aluminum Frames customers ratings
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Brand New Cadence CVL64MBX 6.5" 4 Ohm Midbass Driver with 500 Watts Power Output, High Temperature TIL Bobbin Voice Coil, and Die-Cast Aluminum Frames. If you want to read those detailsto make your decision on product. Click to see all customers reviews & ratings here ! !
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